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Parent Education

Build an environment that cultivates your child's joy in sport participation and promotes lessons of intrinsic motivation, determination, mental toughness, and teamwork.  

Constructive focus and a growth-oriented mindset are key predictors high-level performance, long-term goal attainment, and sustained wellbeing.  But it does not happen by accident. Providing young athletes a positive, character-building sports environment is something parents can learn to do.  How to define your role, your communication skills, and the pre- and post- competition discussions (commonly called the ride home) are critical in how your kids frame their sports experience.


At Triangle Performance Consultants we can help you gain an understanding of evidence-based strategies to lead your child toward an improved ability to work as part of a team, greater personal resilience, and an increased capacity to bounce back from mistakes.


Sessions with parents vary based on need, but common topics include: reinforcing healthy values, establishing a common vocabulary, handling winning and losing, maintaining constructive lines of communication, managing sport/life balances, and establishing household wellness routines.


 At Triangle Performance Consultants we teach how to create an environment best suited to help you and your child enjoy the sporting experience while allowing them to develop into healthy athletes and people.

Mother and Son
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